Friday, 12 October 2012

friday evening

Here I sit, it's Friday evening and I am sitting in my sofa and looking at apartments on the web. I have a very limited knowledge about the city of Basel so it feels quite hard to look at these marketing websites for rental apartments... Don’t know where to start actually.

When I get to Switzerland (in a little bit more than one week) the relocation company will show me some apartments. In my head I have fully relied on that they will show me the apartment that I later will rent! But what happens if I don’t find any that I like? Or if I don’t get any of the ones that I look at and like? Haven’t thought about that... not really.

Today I have cancelled my credit card. Feels good, should have done that a long time ago... Now I will cut that in pieces after finishing my writing! Not very often I have the chans to cut a credit card!

So Friday evening... Both my boyfriend and his daughter are sick, so my evening will be spent by myself. It's ok really, two days of kick off with the organisation is enough to make anyone a bit tired. Actually look forward to spend the evening in the sofa in front of a movie. If I can just find the energy to rent a movie.

Sitting in the sofa writing, looking at the windows... oh they are not clean.. haven’t been cleaned for a while now. I live on the 4th floor, rental apartment. Really hard to clean old big windows. that means it was some time ago since they’ve been cleaned. Do I have to do that before I move?!

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