Sunday, 16 February 2014

Reflections of melancholy

I'm right now reading Alice Munro's "too much happiness" and realise that she, with her short novels, are leading me in to a melancholic mood. The stories are, like I've heard before, well written and sharp in their own, a bit floating, way. The red thread that I can see from reading a few of them is the feeling that they leave me with, apart from the obvious theme of change in people's lives. 

With the help of this book and the music that I'm listening to, my thoughts are reflecting a conversation I've had in the weekend in regards to dreams. What are my dreams really? I sometimes find my self envy my friends that are having dreams to fight for, live for or only to visit and keep just as a dream. 

Before moving to Switzerland and changing my life completely, all my dreams were connected to work and career goals. Now I have realised that there are so much more to life than that. But my dreams have not found or taken their true shape yet and no one can help them but me, taking the time to reflect and find out. 

Philosophical reflections on a Sunday evening. 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Skiing is dangerous!

Traumatised after a weekend in st Anton. Was going there mainly going there to discover the Austrian part of the Alps and to try on their world famous after ski! 

... Nope, I ended up at the hospital instead! 

It was an eventful weekend though. It started already at the Friday with a train ride to st Anton with some of the girls. Before I left work my manager said "Frida, we have a negative trend in the organisation. Don't fall!" On the way We shared a bottle of wine and was in a good mood! We found the place where we were supposed to live and settled in. The day after we were up in the slopes fairly early. It was a great first ride!! I had just, the weekend before, rented skis for the season and they were great!! Turned easily, the slopes were lively etc! We were above the clouds! 

It was quite crowded in the slopes. And unfortunately me and another guy were crashing right into each other... 
I was of course thinking that I only needed to rest for a while. Had a pain in my arm but thought it would pass. 
Nope.... The medical guys came. Tied me to the orange banana sled and took me down the slopes. What an experience! What centre of attention I became, what views I saw... Wanted to take pictures but was tied up... 

The guys took me down to the village and dropped me off at the doctors clinic... In the blink of an eye i had made a series of x-rays. They couldn't see anything. A thought crossed my mind "I could be back in the slopes by lunchtime!!!" -no. The doctor sent me off to another clinic to do a MRI... I was still having hopes about the afternoon, but with the MRI result those hopes were effectivly killed. 

Doctor; "Your upper arm is broken. Do you want us to perform surgery? We could fix this with two titanium screws" 

me; "" 

Doctor; "you could of course wait. We could fix your arm for three weeks instead. But the surgery takes only 15 min. We could do it now" 

Me; "...huh...?"

3 hours later it looked like this:

I was undressed, put to sleep and fixed in less than an hour. I also got local anesthesia which made my arm completely numb for 12 hours... It just hanged there! OMG I never realised how hard it could be to get dressed, wash your hair or do anything with only one arm. It was even harder when you at the same time had to babysit the arm that was non functioning! Ha! I was just constantly dropping my left arm. Scary! 

The adventure has continued.... And it's a bit tough to manage everything. But at least it's the left arm that's injured. And thanks to all my fun pills I'm not in pain! Amazing!! 

Monday, 3 February 2014

Weekend reflections

Listening to piano music and mentally prepare for the week to come. 
For me it's always a trick to go to bed early on a Sunday evening, specially since it seems like I always twist the hours a bit during the weekend. This weekend was no exception. But for me this weekend has been calm! With calm I mean that I haven't needed to put the alarm on or rush out either Saturday or Sunday. 

Today I've been to the movies, watching "the wolf of Wall Street" not sure what to say about that film. If I say "sex, drugs and rock'n roll"'the one of you who have seen it will know what I mean. 

Oh my, it's relaxing to listen to piano music! Just love the invention of Spotify. 

Had a really nice weekend, lovely gathering Friday evening with nice wines and great cheeses. Yesterday evening the Basel family had a dinner, we all are like crazy!! Ok, some where skiing during the day, but it was more than that! Guess we all were just hungry! 😁 

Yesterday I made an afternoon trip to Laufen to rent skis for the season. Feels good! First found a pair of ski boots, very happy that they were white and pink!!! Sooo nice! New ones as well so that I can buy them off after the season if I like them. But then I got to the ski corner.... The guy gave me a pair of black skis.... Didn't want to bring it up to him that the skis will not match my outfit.... I know it doesn't matter.... But yeah... Can't help reflecting! Typically girlish.... 

Ok, will be an early start tomorrow, will fall asleep to the piano music (and now they've even added an orchestra to it!) 
Sleep well!!