Saturday, 28 September 2013

Dawn... Dawn?

Waken up really early, I mean really early. It's now 06.33 and I've only been sleeping for a couple of hours. Don't know what was waking me, but it's a great feeling, knowing that I can go back to sleep and stay asleep for as long as I like! 

Outside the city is also waking up. Cars are starting, people are walking by; on their way to work? On their way home after a night out? A couple were walking by singing. 

According to my app, the sun won't rise for yet another hour. So dear friends. This is my day off. I'm for sure going back to sleep. It's been an intense week and I'm not ready for today to start just yet. 

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Spoiled in Switzerland

So, autumn is it coming? 

Ha! Not in the same way here as it did in Sweden! While I get reports from Sweden of how nice it is with gloves in the morning, the temperature is rising again in Switzerland. Tonight it was 24 C while I was walking home. 

Life's good! 

I have gotten used to some new things lately. I am taking the bike to work more often. Really does wonders for me! Even though I still have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, it's working! (Well not so well this week ... But most other weeks 😁) 
I have also gotten use to a Swedish form of... Eh.. Circle training? Called "friskis & svettis" which I really didn't think of as my cup of tea, but it apparently is! So almost every Wednesday I go, run around in circles and picking stuff from imaginary trees and so on. Today I didn't go, but it was for a good reason!! 
Today I joined the first meeting of my book club! It was lovely! Good company, a promising book and a proper Swedish meal!! Home made pea soup Swedish style! OMG luxury for an expat! 

Can't say anything but life's good! 

Monday, 2 September 2013

Bedtime stories

I often get my inspiration to write just before bedtime. So even this time. And to make this time an extra cheesy one; I'm listening to Madonnas  album "bedtime stories" as I'm writing! 

I've had a week of recovering after sickness and allergy chock. It feels like I've mostly been tired and hungry... Which is not the best combination, and not the best place to be in terms of keeping motivation up for doing practically anything. 

But one thing that I did have motivation to do this weekend was to go with the Swedish group to discover something else than Basel. It was super! We went to schaffhausen to see the largest waterfall in Europe. And then we kept on going to Konstanz and Bodensee. 

I figured out just short before the weekend that I had taken the wrong allergy pills. In the beginning of the summer I invested in some for my hay-fever and I got so tired from them. After a while I tried some other brand and felt sooo much better. Well...Of course I chose the wrong ones when I got my allergy reaction from the penicillin... So today I made up for all couch camping and went out for a run/walk. 2,30h all together! I'm proud! (No!! I just ran for half an hour... I'm not superman!) so now I will go to sleep pleased with my performance. 

Sleep well all of you!